Monday, August 14, 2006

#3: Melkor Seems Like a Really Cool Guy

Date: Before the Beginning of Time
My Mood Is: Elated

Today I was wandering around the Outer Airs, trying to find kindred Ainur, anyone who was annoyed as I was about all the singing. I mean, is this how we're going to spend eternity? Because I'm tired of it already.

Well, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, and after a while I found myself in the Proximal Umbra, well nigh to Eru Ilúvatar Himself. Do you know what it means to be so close to the physical being of the All High Ruler of the Universe?

It means the music is LOUD.

So I was going to head back down into the Nether Orbs when I heard a voice say, "What dost thou seek in the lofty airs, o Sauron, spirit of Craft?"

This was Melkor. Melkor! Greatest of the Ainur, closest in the counsels of Eru. Talking to me! I mean, this guy is practically Assistant God.

So I started talking, and I wasn't going to confide in him about my issues, because I'm not stupid. But he was so charming and genuinely interested, that after a while I told him everything about the singing, and the waste of our talents, and the Secret Flame.

Get this -- Melkor feels exactly the same way!

I think he was actually relieved to find someone else who thinks along the same lines. He's even going to hold a meeting with some of the other Ainur to talk about it, and he wants me to come!

Hey, as long as there's no singing, I'll be there.

It was a good day. I really think great things might come out of this. I'm really glad I ran into Melkor.


Blogger Sauron said...

I'm glad that you fire spirits are down with Melkor's plan, Gothmog. This is going to go great!

7:14 PM  

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